Culture of Japan


Sumo is the national sport of Japan and at the same time it contain many part of old japan such as topknots, traditional dress and even acient customs. Even though Sumo is a national sport of Japan, at the same time it a living example of Japanese Culture. Sumo itself orginated in ancient time as a performance to entertain the Shinto deities. There are weight restriction in Sumo, so when you first start sumo you may find someone many times bigger than your size. The rules of Sumo is simple, wrestler who first exits the ring or touches the ground with any part of his body besides the soles of his feet loses. Sumo matches take place on an elevated ring (dohyo), which is made of clay and covered in a layer of sand.

Anime and Manga

Anime and manga is a big part of Japanese culture and it is like by people worldwide. Manga can be define as a japanese style of comics that orginated during the mid-1900s. There are many genre of manga you can choose from with content ranging from history to futuristic science fiction and from teenage romance to profound themes about life. Manga is generally separated into 4 categories according to the target audience: boys, girls, youths and matured.
A manga will get adapted into an anime when it is popular. Some famous anime around the world that everyone must have heard of at least once include "Dragonball", "Pokemon" and "One Piece". Sometimes an anime can make it own orginal script for an anime when it pass the manga, one famous example of this would be "Fullmetal Alchemist". As manga and anime keep raising in popularity, it has led to the establishment of many related attractions and places of interest such as manga cafes, maid cafes, etc.