Top 3 place you must visited when you come to Japan

1. Tokyo

If you ever went to Japan and you can only go to one places , you must check out Tokyo. Tokyo is often describe as the counterpart of Kyoto due to how modern it is compare to Kyoto. It’s in Tokyo that you’ll find the skyscrapers, noisy arcades, busy pedestrian crossings, crazy youth fashions, and many incredibly delicious restaurants of Japan. Tokyo is also home to the weridest things that you can find nowhere else, things suce as maid cafe that you may thought only exist in anime and many other theme cafes. Tokyo is where Akihabara located and it is the center of gaming, manga, and anime culture in Japan.

2. Kyoto

If you don't want to go to Tokyo the modern part of Japan. Check out Kyoto the traditonal part of Japan. When you first arrived in Kyoto, you will often find it disappointing, you should head out towards the mountains to the surrounding neighbourhoods where you’ll find narrow stone streets, old wooden houses, monks in flowing robes, and the sounds of chanting and gongs from the many temples and shrines. In kyoto, you can also find wooden teahouses, forests of bamboo, temples and shrines in gold and silver and scarlet, raked gravel Zen gardens, intricate feasts served on lacquered plates, graceful tea ceremonies, and markets full of intriguing but unidentifiable ingredients, and more.

If you want to learn more about what in do in Kyoto, check out this video

3. Hakone

Hakone is a place famous for it hot spring, natural beauty and the view of the nearby lake Ashinoko Mount Fuji is on most people’s lists of places to visit in Japan, but this must-see Japan landmark can be rather elusive and is often hidden by clouds. There are many place you can see this landmark, a rather easy place that let you see this landmark if you ever go to Tokyo would be Hakone as it less than one hundred kilometers away from Tokyo. Even when it a rainy, cloud day you can still see Mount Fuji from Hankone.

If you want to learn more about Hakone check out this video